Chas Spain World Tour 2014 – Day 1

Looking back at all the visitors who dropped by the blog last year and left a comment on the About page – I thought I should do a quick world tour and see what everyone’s been up to and what they’re planning for 2014.

This could take a while – especially as I’m listening to the Inception Soundtrack – so anything could happen in either space or time ….

Nigel Boldero in Norfolk England, at Old School Gardener, keeps the beautiful recycled things and wondrous garden pics happenng. Incentive to buy some dirt.

Shimon Z in Jerusalem, at The Human Picture has superb edible images of the fruit and flowers in his home despite having a bumpy start to 2014.

Mary Mageau in Brisbane at Nature as Art and Inspiration posted a superb red Christmas Bush to sign off 2013

Emiline Miossi in São Paulo also posted a bright start to 2014 after closing in black and white in 2013.

Artist and poet AnElephantCant has a writing challenge happening – 150 words only required (I am not brave enough to do these but 2014 might be the year to try?)

Brigid Jackson at AristoOrganic in South Africa has just taken receipt of some yummy heirloom tomato seeds from Stacy Weichert at downtoearthdigs in Janesville USA – proving the smallness of the Universe

Island loving Island Vignettes in the Caribbean has a picture perfect shot of her home in St Georges Granada for the New Year.

Nando in New York will no doubt keep up his wonderful posts of images from that small town in 2014 from Cyan Skies. He also has a snazzy review of 2013 from the WordPress Monkey – now I want one too.

Dorinda posts about her beautiful decision to abandon life in England and settle in the superb environs of Tamil Nadu on Lakes in India. Proof that life is an open book to anyone open to find it.

Sculptor Veronica Cay in Queensland produced some of the most exquisite meditative works in 2013 and is no doubt planning her next artistic project for 2014.

Carol Smith Myer – another fine artist across the Pacific in California – was Best in Show at the Contemporary International Art Challenge in 2013 and produces exuberant paintings – a real inspiration for me.

Like minded Londoner on Just Add Attitude couldn’t resist the urge to make a to do list for 2014 and beyond. Reads like the list of a sensible woman to me (as I’ve ticked off a couple already !!)

Liz on Food for Fun just keeps the New Year celebrations happening with liquor laced marshmallows. No wonder I struggled through motherhood -this is the type of recipes I should have been making – excellent.

Life in Kawagoe, Japan blogger posted the most superb Japanese New Year treats and enjoyed a first trip overseas to Taipei in 2014 – lovely pics here.

Hilary Constance Green – who is true to her middle name and so kindly comes by regularly from the East of England –  bravely pressed the send button to a publisher in the New Year from Green Writing Room. Works in progress include writing on the memories from the River Kwai captured through her father’s letters and those of his comrades and their wives.

Photographer Carol Dunnigan from Northern Colorado created a very bespoke greeting card on Keeping up with Carol.

Last visit for tonight is to really cold Chicago for Celia on Celia: Her City. Her photo of the house covered in snow in soft light is charming but I am just a little glad not to be in the Northern Hemisphere just at the moment – take care out there!

14 thoughts on “Chas Spain World Tour 2014 – Day 1

  1. Thank you so much for the kindly mention. It’s not important, but my weird middle name is Custance (supposedly from the Bishop of Coutance way back). Constance would have been much nicer and then I wouldn’t have been called Custard at school.


    • Hi Hilary – how unobservant of me! I quite like Custance – it is very olde worldly. I can only plead damage to my glasses over Christmas – although I fear geriatric dyslexia is also to blame. I dropped my glasses on Christmas night and they were much worse for wear when I found them. Then I went to see the Hobbit and dropped them where at least 3 people walked over them during the film (it being rather long and Coke being the drug of choice throughout I guess!)


    • Hi Stephen Happy New year – I think I might get to you on the tour soon :>
      I went into a shop yesterday morning and the Inception soundtrack was playing quietly in the background so it was sending me mad all day trying to actually pin down the music – it’s so wonderfully minimal. Of course when I got home I just had to put it on loop. Agree on Hans Zimmer – he is a real master (a shame the Pirates of the Caribbean and the Gladiator main themes were so similar – although they are both great in their own way too.)


      • Funny you should say that … I’ve not heard the Pirates soundtrack (not a real big fan of the movies; the first one was great but did we really need three … soon to be four … sequels?), but the Gladiator soundtrack is always on heavy rotation here in my world. I’m also a fan of Lisa Gerrard, who collaborates with HZ on that one.
        If you want to hear another very interesting soundtrack, check out Trent Reznor’s work on The Social Network soundtrack. Very electronic, minimal and a little dark and unsettling. Reznor’s work on the American version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is excellent as well.


    • Thanks Laura – hope 2014 is a good one for you too. I definitely have come back to work too early. I feel like the little kid with their finger in the dyke – earnestly preparing for the year ahead but knowing that a wall of real work is going to overwhelm me sometime pretty soon..


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